Points of reflection the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti for an educational mission





Education, Fraternity, National curriculum, Human dignity, Personalism


Pope Francis published in 2020 the letter Fratelli Tutti proposing the experience of fraternity to all humanity. To do this, the document shows an analysis of the needs that the current context offers, especially with the impact of technology and a conceptual relativism that is expressed at a cultural, social, ethical and economic level. The way to overcome this scenario that deprives man of the encounter with the other is the proposal of a culture of brotherhood. This is based on the acceptance of the inalienable value of human dignity and the social being of the person, fostering fraternal coexistence. For this reason, the present work intends to develop those points of reflection to find the coincidences and opportunities that it has with the administrative documents of the Ministry of Education in Peru, so that proposal can be concretized in an educational mission for this sector of the population of humanity.


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Author Biographies

Julio César Pérez Narrea, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat, Perú

Born in Lima on November 15, 1982, he obtained a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Navarra (Spain) in 2004; a Bachelor's degree in Sacred Theology from the University of Navarra (Spain) in 2007; a Master's degree in Sacred Theology with a mention in Dogmatics from the Pontifical and Civil Faculty of Theology of Lima (Peru) in 2017 and a Doctorate in Educational Sciences from the Marcelino Champagnat University (UMCH) in 2021. From 2009 to 2016 he has taught and coordinated pastoral work in private basic education centers, technical institutes and theological institutes in the area of ​​​​Religious Sciences, Theology and Philosophy. From 2018 to the present, he teaches Philosophy courses in the A and B-Learning modalities of undergraduate studies at the Faculty of Education (UMCH), and teaches the Epistemology course for the doctoral program, Ethical Standards in the Educational Research diploma, and is a thesis advisor at the Graduate School (UMCH). By training, he conducts research preferably in the area of ​​Theology, Spirituality, Religious Sciences, Philosophy (Ethics) and Education.

Karlo Ginno Quiñones Castillo, Universidad Marcelino Champagnat, Perú

Professor at the Marcelino Champagnat University since 2004 in the area of ​​general studies and specializing in historical social sciences. Theologian. He was coordinator of the Catholic education office (ODEC Lima 2000-2005). Trainer at PRONAFCAP (2007-2009). He also works in the graduate area of ​​the César Vallejo University (2012-2022).


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How to Cite

Pérez Narrea, J. C., & Quiñones Castillo, K. G. (2022). Points of reflection the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti for an educational mission. EDUCA UMCH Journal, (20), 145–160. https://doi.org/10.35756/educaumch.202220.236